OK, let’s talk sexy men, shall we? (husbands aside)

I’ve been egged on to do this by Shelley from My Shoebox Life.  So, technically no fault of my own. 

But that said, perhaps every mummy blog needs a ”sexy man” post, right?  Darling partners aside, there are still those sorts that us (yummy) mummies have a little ogle at. 

Let’s not be ashamed of this, nor pretend it doesn’t exist.  Birthing children shall not rob you of your sexuality! 

Recently, there’s been a fair bit of ”sexy man” talk on Twitter.  So much so, it’s been hard to escape (again, none of it my fault).  Namely about one man in particular, in my Twitter circle, anyway.  Rob Oakeshott.  Yes, of all people!  It seems a few of us have gotten a little heated about the recent federal election in more ways than one.  

On a personal front I was initially impressed, though my admiration was quickly dispelled after listening to his press conference speech earlier this week.  Migraines don’t do it for me, I’m sorry to say Rob.

Moving swiftly along (Rob’s a politican after all – I think we can all aim a little higher than that in the perve stakes) let’s take Ben Cousins.  Again someone recently in the media spotlight. 

Although my husband’s interstate tonight, ironically I found myself watching an AFL show on TV.  It’s the last thing I’d ever bother watching.  So why on earth did I feel compelled to watch to this rubbish show?  

I realised it was because Ben Cousins was on.  Despite the fact he has little brain matter left, he’s still hot stuff.  After five minutes though, I’d had enough.  It didn’t take me long to pinpoint why.  He was wearing a suit…and it looked really odd.  Ben just doesn’t have the same sexy effect wearing a suit, than he does in his usual ‘minimal’ attire. 

I wish Ben success with his TV career, but quite frankly, if he’s going to be wearing a shirt and tie, I’m not sure he’s going to make it. 

We need this, Ben

Not this

We all have our preferred options.  I used to be a George Clooney girl, but I’ve gone right off him.  In fact, I’m not into big-time movie stars at all. 

Ok, maybe Colin Firth.  And Gerard Butler. 

And Matt Damon.

But who on the small stage do I really like?  Well at the moment, unless it’s Ben sans his suit, it’s Manu… the French chef who was on Ready Steady Cook!  He knows it, but all power to him with his kitchen skills, manliness and sexy French accent.  He’s got it going on. 🙂

OK, it’s confession time.  Who’s your eye candy? 

76 responses to “OK, let’s talk sexy men, shall we? (husbands aside)

  1. Mmm… Love a bit of Thursday night eye candy!! I’m with you on Ben Cousins. Also LOVE Gerard Butler, Jude Law, Colin Firth, Clive Owen and Hugh Grant…
    I see a pattern here… I’m a sucker for an Englishman!!! Lucky I’m marrying one. 😉

  2. Gold, gold, gold. But where are the shirtless pics? 😉
    Apart from Ben Cousins, my eye candy favourites are Shane Crawford and Robbie Williams.
    One word.
    Never been a fan of the Brad Pitts of the world.
    Give me a guy who makes me smile just looking at him and you’ve won me. Oh, um, like, of course I’m talking about my beloved Mr G. Not that he reads your blog I don’t think, but covering all bases!
    Of course I have had ‘good friends’ in the past who have made me smile just to look at them. Which of course we’ll be discussing when we have our girls night. Perhaps somewhere with some, er, eye candy to go with the wine? 😉

  3. Ben Cousins – I don’t care what he wears, it’s just going to end up on the floor anyway! However, I only pledge to shag him senseless on the condition that he leaves his stash at home AND he doesn’t start rambling on. Once the boofhead opens his yackhole, I am o-u-t of thereeee!

    Oh bee-have 😉 Te he!

  4. This is going to make me sound like a cougar but Robert Pattinson (Twilight) really does it for me looks wise – he seems older than he is (24/25 I think!?)

    Ethan Hawke in the movie ‘Great Expectations’ was stunning http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_V21SPuddiE8/R08a4zBdndI/AAAAAAAAAKc/zjfxmzrPCGc/s400/fileartsgreat1.gif – its a great movie – a modern adaptation of the traditional story.

    Those are the two that instantly spring to mind – Beckham has a sexy body too but is a big turn off once he opens his squeaky mouth.

    hehe be interesting to see others replies on this one!!!
    Lynn 🙂

  5. Robert Pattinson?? Lynn! You’re in cougar territory! Ethan Hawke did it for me in Dead Poet’s Society when I was in high school, but that was a long, long time ago now… 🙂

  6. Your post made me laugh as I had been having a similar conversation in my head, where I was trying to convince myself that loving a baldie is not wrong, have this strange thing for Simon King and Heston Blumenthal, which my other half finds hysterical. But there really is only one man for me Patrick Dempsey, you got to love the hair 🙂

  7. I am so with you re Ben Cousins, also loving Johnny Depp especially in Chocolate and Orlando Bloom, if I have to see an action/adventure movie I might as well be rewarded for my effort!

  8. Rob Lowe. No other man has yet come close to this sexy hunk o man meat!! But what about girl crushes…? Those sexy women we all wish were more like? Or wish we could just steal their lives ….. & their bodies? Anyone game to reveal ” who they’d turn gay for?” hehe I’ll start- Kate Walsh- the absolutely stunning redhead from Private Practice! Wouldn’t mind a piece of her bf too!! Lol

    Oh and hi!! I found your blog on twitter about 20 minutes ago!! So far I’m enjoying it! :))

    • Rob Lowe? Oh I’m not so sure…he kind of got stuck in the 90’s didn’t he?! 😉 Girl crushes, you know I don’t really have one…can’t think..maybe Monica Bellucci? I don’t know about her life but it’d be good to look like her!

  9. this is a great post!! umm i pashed shane at a nitclub before he hit big time and i was 21!!

    my guys-
    don draper ( john hamm- mad men)
    ben cousins- so hot but he really has shite for brains
    andy G- dunno what he is doin gnow!!

  10. A politician, a sportsman and a chef? What diverse tastes you have!
    I enjoy some Arj Barker and Will Anderson. Gotta have a sense of humour! And from what I saw of Rob Oakeshott’s press conference that is something he ‘aint got!

  11. Totally agree about Manu Feildel! It’s the accent.

    Hugh Grant and Colin Firth are HAWT, although they’re the same age as my dad, which makes them slightly disgusting.

    And Ben Cousins? Holy hell. I’m so with Holly on this one.

  12. Heheh…you’ve been waiting for me to show up, haven’t you? We certainly share similar taste in hotties (though how you can be relatively indifferent to Jude Law, Clive Owen and present-day Johnny Depp I know not!).

    As one of those involved in eyeing off Mr Oakeshott’s appeal via Twitter last week, I was obviously SO lucky to have been busy the day of the 17-minute speech. My illusions remain intact. Somehow, I’ve resisted the temptation to ruin my life by listening to a replay, so I can continue to enjoy his appearance on my TV screens. Beats Rabbit any day, that’s for sure!

    Look, he’s no Gerard Butler, Jon Hamm or Manu (hoooey! no idea who he is but, wow!), but politics could do with a bit of sexing up, IMHO. If we have to have these guys in our face thanks to the media, they better start earning their screen time, as far as I’m concerned. And not just with empty rhetoric!

    PS. Ben Cousins. Hmmm. He’s pretty, but I can’t be doing with stupid men. Funnily enough, I’ve got a blog post coming up all about that. 😉

  13. Ben Cousins lives near me and I see him quite often. I don’t care what he wears (and I think he looks quite good in a suit), or the things that he does – he is hot and even better in real life than on tv and in photos. Although once, I saw him wearing an Ed Hardy t-shirt and that was almost a deal-breaker for me. My husband and I have a deal – he can leave home for Mary Kostakidis and me Ben Cousins.

    I also had the hots for Rob Oakeshott until that awful Tuesday press conference – waaaayyyy too much talking. If you are talking politicians though, Bob Cameron is pretty ok too!

  14. Hahahahaha didn’t see Manu coming at all. I like Matt Damon. Smoking. Ben Cousins arms but not his ferrety little face. And happy for Clive Owen to make me a cuppa in the morning as well!! x

  15. What a great post and set of responses. This should be blogged about more often 😉 I’m with you with the celebrity chef’s – I watched Luke Nguyen in Vietnam squeezing coconut cream with his bare hands and was mighty impressed.

  16. That’s hillarious. One day when I was outside a primary school, I looked up and there was Manu walking his child home from school. He looked at me and smiled. Huh!

  17. Whilst Rob Lowe will always be HOT… He is smoking in Brothers and Sisters – he’s well and truly moved on from the early 90’s… I have had a brief crush on Bear Grills… but give me a French accent and I go all Jamie Lee Curtis in ‘A fish called Wanda”!

  18. Okay i have anotherone.. dont shoot me girls

    1. loads of money
    2. cooks
    3. hot bod
    4. bit of an ass (badboys bodboys)

    that is He gordan ramsey..
    it’s a secret– so done tell anyone!!

  19. He’s already been mentioned but it was such a brief comment…….. Don Draper ( John Hamm from Mad Men). It’s at addictive proportions now (my crush). I can’t concentrate on the storyline anymore. OMG. And he’s not exactly getting more likeable, either, in the story! But oh my giddy aunt, he is blindingly captivating. But shhhhh don’t tell my husband or he might stop sharing my obsession for watching the show ;-P

    Can’t do the Ben Cousins thing. Sorry to let the side down, girls. I need smouldering AND intelligence, even if they don’t open their mouth to speak.

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  22. Hmm, apart from George Clooney, who I would allow to make me coffee any time, particularly if he were nude, I think my sexy men are real ones. There is a guy I have loved and admired for a long time – as a friend. But one of us has always been single while the other was taken. The timing has never been right and he lives on the other side of the world, so it’s unlikely to happen now. But we are still in touch, and I often think: What if?

  23. This is sad and I feel like a cougar, but hot men I admire (well in MY eyes at least) Jake Gyllenhaal especially in Jar Head…sigh…*drool*, Mark Salling (Puck in Glee)…more sighing and drooling…need I say more? hehehehe

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